Beto Carrero World
Developed activities
Betinho Carrero Nursery
Institutionalized in September 2004, the Betinho Carrero Nursery is a formal education institution, with its registration in the MEC - Ministry of Education and Culture. In its pedagogical project, the day-care center seeks to guarantee the attendance of the specifics of the child from zero to two years, respecting the phases of child development in its different aspects: cognitive, physical, affective and social, with special attention to the act of educating, caring and play.
The Beto Carrero Institute believes that investment in early childhood (from two-year gestation) is a window of opportunity that, if well cared for, contributes to the full development of the individual and generates positive impacts throughout his life. Therefore, it is understood that investing in child development is investing in society, making the world a better place to live.
Humans learn more, and faster, from gestation to age three than in the rest of their lives.
The Beto Carrero Institute believes that investment in early childhood (from two-year gestation) is a window of opportunity that, if well cared for, contributes to the full development of the individual and generates positive impacts throughout his life. Therefore, it is understood that investing in child development is investing in society, making the world a better place to live.
Humans learn more, and faster, from gestation to age three than in the rest of their lives.
Andrew Meltzoff ,
University of Washington PhD Researcher