Beto Carrero World
Legal constitution

- 3 teachers for Betinho Carrero Crèche
- 1 Teachers for the Arts and Crafts Course;
- 1 teacher for the English course;
- 1 Gynecologist;
- 1 Dental Surgeon;
- 1 Nursing Technician;
- 1 Nurse Health Assistant,
- 1 Cook;
- 2 General Service Helpers
- 2 Security
- 1 secretary and General Coordinator
Executive Board
- President: Rosa Maria Pinto de Carvalho
- Vice-Chairman: Edilson Doubrawa
- 1st Treasurer: Jonni Lucas Janke
- 2nd Treasurer: Bruno José Reinert
- 1st Secretary: Gisele de Oliveira Lenzi
- 2nd Secretary: Valdirene Maria de Melo Pscheidt
Holders: Victor Hugo Loth, Elias, Hugo Loth Neto and Nair Elza Harbs
Substitutes: Susana Pirinotti de Borba, Gilliard gadiel de Oliveira and Gisele Aline de O.Lenzi
Substitutes: Susana Pirinotti de Borba, Gilliard gadiel de Oliveira and Gisele Aline de O.Lenzi
General Coordination: Rosiane do Carmo Souza de Souza
Coordination Advisor: Ledinéia Militão
Coordination Advisor: Ledinéia Militão
- Bylaws
- Minutes of election and current board of directors
- Registration in the National Register of Legal Entities - CNPJ no. 05.877.145 / 0001-99
- OSCIP qualification certification - Ministry of Justice (23/01/2004);
- State Public Utility Declaration (Law 14.641 of 07/01/2009);
- Municipal Public Utility Declaration (Law 2157 of 02/05/2007);
- Certificate of Registration in the Municipal Council for Children and Adolescents - COMCAD
- Registration Statement in the Municipal Council of Social Assistance / CMAS no 003/2005;
- Registration MEC / INEP - School Code no 42166209 - Ministry of Education and Culture;
- Attestation of Operation granted by the Municipality of Penha;
- Municipal Permits:
- License for Location and Operation / Municipal Registration No 149375
- Sanitary license: Betinho Carrero Nursery and Medical and Dental Ambulatory