Beto Carrero World
Beto Carrero Institute

The proposal is to offer children the opportunity to grow in an integral, healthy, with more quality of life and a promising future.
Created in July 2003, the BETO CARRERO INSTITUTE is a Civil Society Organization of Public Interest (OSCIP), designed to promote social responsibility projects, aimed at the development of formal and informal education, culture and sports, health and Environment, Citizenship, Labor and income generation.
Promote and fulfill social responsibility through programs and projects of social inclusion, with an innovative and creative profile to form integrally throughout the life, citizens able to contribute in the construction of a more humanized society, in permanent harmony with the advances of science , with sustainable development, the generation of work and income, and consequently, the improvement of the quality of life. Vision
To be a reference as a Civil Society Organization of Public Interest, to be recognized as an institution of excellence and the best entity that promotes social policies in the fight against the reduction of poverty, inequality and social exclusion. Values
Belief in the value of people and in the capacity for development. Humanization and transparency practice, involving the permanent exercise of participation, solidarity, cooperation, integration, sharing of ideas and collective responsibility. Respect for human diversity, which is expressed by the right to continuous and integral growth of people and the community in its multiple potentialities, preserving individuality and privacy, respecting holistic thinking, plurality of ideas and cultural diversity; not admitting the practice of discriminatory acts by social condition, religious belief, color, race, sexual choice, or political ideology. Objective
Develop affirmative actions related to guaranteeing the rights of children and adolescents and their respective families; Promote actions for the consolidation of citizenship, with a view to guaranteeing rights and access to programs and social policies aimed at the economically vulnerable population; Invest in the formation of the new generations, promoting education and culture in its various manifestations, as well as the exercise of citizenship and the encouragement of the insertion of the individual into a productive social life.